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[Infographic] The History of the Royal Wedding Outfit

This infographic summarises our guide on the history of the royal wedding outfit, which outlines the bridal outfits worn in the royal weddings of the British monarchy.

It charts the history of the royal bridal outfit from Princess Elizabeth's wedding in 1947 through to Princess Eugenie's in 2018.

If you would like to feaure the graphic on your website, please use the embed code below the image, ensuring you credit www.brittenweddings.com in the process.


The History of the Royal Bridal Outfit


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<a href="https://www.brittenweddings.com/pages/the-history-of-the-royal-wedding-outfit-infographic"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0287/3496/files/The-History-of-the-Royal-Bridal-Outfit.jpg?v=1547744610" alt="History of the Royal Bridal Outfit Infographic" width="850px" border="0"></a>